The BIrkman is a proven assessment that give practical and clear feedback on what interests you, how you naturally engage the world around you and what expectations you have for your environment .
Healthy and effective communication in my relationships are really important and easy to get wrong.
My work and personal relationships have so much potential. I don’t want us to just get along. Having a thriving and productive relationship makes such a difference.
I need a trusted resource to understand and navigate the realities that we are different and can still go the same direction together.
There is a way to get insight that can make the difference.
The BIrkman is a proven assessment that give practical and clear feedback on what interests you, how you naturally engage the world around you and what expectations you have for your environment .
A follow up conversation focuses on discovering practical implications and applications in your expectations and communication.
The Birkman Method is a science-backed self-assessment tool innovated over seven decades. It is a proven approach to advance the quality and impact of our expectations, communication and behavior. It is rooted in science, validity, and positive psychology.
Through a consultation we'll make sure the Birkman is right tool for you.
A proven online assessment you can take at your convenience
Discover how the results can be applied to the relationships that matter to you.